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Student Support


Please complete the Student Support request form to request support from:

Do not use this form to request support from:

After you complete the form, we’ll be in touch within 10 working days to offer you an appointment. That might be from a wellbeing adviser, a counsellor, a mental health adviser or a harassment adviser, depending on what you need.

Further Information

Below is some further information about this form. If your question isn’t addressed, please feel free to get in touch at

How much time to consider completing the form

The form will likely take around 10-15 minutes to complete but you might like to take a little longer. Writing reasons for requesting support can be challenging for some people. You might want to complete the form when you have nothing scheduled afterward.   

You can't save the form and return to it later. Make sure you’re in a place with a secure internet connection where you feel comfortable. 

Who your form will be shared with

Your information will be shared with relevant staff in the Student Support team. This includes:

  • The triage team (senior counsellors and wellbeing advisers)  
  • Your counsellor/adviser
  • Administrative, data analysis, and programme support staff

Accessing our services will not affect your funding or student status. We won't share your form with anyone outside of the Student Support team. This includes your parents/guardians, Senior Tutors, or Director of Studies.

Exceptions to this may occur only if required by law or if we have serious concerns about your safeguarding or wellbeing. In such cases, we will normally inform you of what will be shared and the reason for doing so.

See our page on confidentiality and privacy for further details.   

What we will ask you about

The form includes a mix of multiple-choice and free-text questions. It covers the following topics: 

  • How we can help you and your requirements. Your reasons for requesting support and an outline of how you’re currently feeling
  • Any risks to your safety, either from yourself or others
  • Your contact details
  • Your appointment preferences: Including details of any accessibility requirements
  • Medical information and previous support
  • Emergency contact details

The questions are compulsory. We use the form to make our services as efficient as possible. We do this to eliminate waiting lists and ensure that we direct you to the right support at the right time.  

The questions help you clarify what you’d like support with and what you hope to achieve from the outset. This allows your adviser or counsellor to tailor the session to address your core needs and issues right away. This helps make the session as productive as possible. 

How much detail we ask for in the free-text sections

Any information you provide is useful - you don't need to go into too much detail if you don't want to.

If you're unsure how to answer a question, you can write exactly that! You’ll have time in your first session to give more detail if you want. Don’t feel pressured to write more than you’re comfortable with. 

How we provide the best support for you

The form has been designed to help you access support and specialist services.  

Our triage team will review your form and schedule an appointment with the service best suited to help you address your priorities for the session. They may suggest an appointment with a different service than the one you initially requested. If this happens, they’ll contact you to discuss your options.  

Ultimately, the choice is yours when it comes to accepting any appointment. Our goal is to work with you to find the most appropriate care, whether that’s through one of our services or by signposting or referring you to another service within or outside the University. 

If you want to help a friend

They’ll need to log in themselves using their CRSid. If they request help completing the form, you can assist them once they are logged in.

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