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Student Support


Once you arrive in Cambridge, you need to register with a local GP surgery. You can find more information about local practices on our physical health pages or speak to your College if you need help to register with a GP.

Check your protection against vaccine-preventable diseases before you come to Cambridge

Before arriving at Cambridge, you should make sure you’ve had these vaccines:

  • Meningitis (MenACWYconjugate vaccine).
  • Mumps, Measles, and Rubella (MMR): all students are strongly advised to ensure they have received two doses of the MMR vaccination. Measles cases have been on the rise in England recently and there can be a gap in immunity amongst 18-25 year olds as some didn’t get the MMR vaccine as children. If you were not fully vaccinated as a child (two doses), we strongly recommend that you get the MMR vaccine now.

You might also need:

  • Influenza (Flu): If you suffer from chronic lung, heart, kidney or liver disease or have diabetes or are otherwise immunosuppressed, please discuss having the NHS flu vaccine with your doctor.
  • COVID-19: vaccinations are no longer available to all members of the population in the UK, but you may be eligible if you are at increased risk of becoming seriously ill from COVID-19. The NHS will contact you if your medical records indicate that you are eligible.
  • Shingles: if you are aged 65 and over, or over 50 with a weakened immune system, you may be eligible for the Shingles vaccine
  • Pneumococcal vaccine: if you are aged 65 and over, or at higher risk of becoming seriously ill, you may be able to obtain the pneumococcal vaccine.

If you are eligible for the Shingles vaccine or the Pneumococcal vaccine, your GP surgery will contact you.

If you have any questions, please email the Communicable Disease Helpdesk or telephone: 01223 339514.


Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs)

You can find information about how to access advice or support about Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs) under the Sexual Health section of our website.

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