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Protect yourself and others

Actions we can take to reduce the risk of catching COVID-19 or other respiratory illness and passing it on to others include:

  • ensuring good ventilation 
  • good hand and surface hygiene 
  • wearing a face-covering 
  • limiting social contact if experiencing symptoms of a respiratory infection

The UK Government has published guidance on measures to reduce the spread of COVID-19 and other respiratory illnesses.

Practical safety measures


Good ventilation reduces the build-up of airborne virus particles. You are less likely to catch COVID-19 from an infectious person if you are outdoors or in a well-ventilated indoor space. Where possible, prioritise ventilation. This could mean arranging to meet outside, keeping doors and windows open, or leaving time between meetings in an enclosed space to allow the air to change over. All University indoor spaces have had a ventilation risk assessment. Please follow local signage and instructions where displayed.

Hand and surface hygiene

It is less common to catch COVID-19 via contact with a contaminated surface.  Yet, it is possible to be infected if you touch a surface contaminated with the virus and then touch your nose, eyes or mouth. Hand washing with soap and water/ using hand sanitiser remains important. There may also be local cleaning protocols requiring you, for example to clean a shared desk/workstation between users. Please follow local instructions.

NHS advice on how to wash your hands effectively


Face-coverings help to reduce distribution of the airborne particles that spread COVID-19. We encourage staff and students to consider wearing a face covering when coming into contact with people at an increased risk of catching a communicable disease. Please show  consideration for individuals who wish to continue wearing a face covering.

Increased vulnerability

If you are considered to be at higher risk of serious illness from COVID-19, you should consider advice from your health professional on whether additional precautions are right for you. The UK Government has produced advice for clinically vulnerable people.

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